ResExp: Testing and Timing the High End

For most of the year, my reselling experience has focused on affordable sourcing from Ross aka #rossfinds. But for the month of December, with the crowds and long lines at Ross, I went in a different direction. I experimented with higher end commodities like items from Supreme and costly kicks. And you know what? Lots of reselling lessons learned are the same, just in a different context.

Shopping for deals or for exclusives still takes time, either in-store or online. There’s just no way around it. However purchasing time online is measured in seconds (or even faster). A few seconds late and the exclusives are gone. Sold out – bought by bots or those with faster fingers (or better luck).

There’s also prepping for online launches. Creating accounts on various shopping sites and ensuring autofill is ready to go for each browser user all rob you of time. And if you want, you need to spend time reading up and learning about releases. Of course, none of this preparation guarantees success when buying exclusives, but without this preparation, you essentially have no chance.

Time for #rossfinds is in the realm of hours, days, and perhaps even months. Sourcing is primarily done in-person, going through the racks of Ross and other discount stores. Then listing and eventually selling an item can go for days to months.

So the obvious takeaway is that reselling takes time (and commitment). If you’re not willing to invest the time, then you need to look elsewhere.