21 Slang Words You Should Know Before Visiting Hawaii (Part 2)

In Part 1 of 21 slang words you should know before visiting Hawaii, I went over basic, cultural, and dining slang. In Part 2, we talk terms off the beaten path and only in Hawaii.

Off the Beaten Path

da kine – the ultimate catch phrase that can mean just about anything. A smart haole coworker told me “da kine” is an idiomatic expression. Still confused? Let local tweeter @parkrat explain it to you.

lolo – crazy, dumb, stupid.

pakalolo – marijuana, pot, weed. See lolo.

mahu – a male who dresses like a female, a transvestite. Some mahus really, really look like women but remember that they are guys with a da kine.

malo, mawashi, or mankini – these articles of clothing are best depicted.


Malos are typically worn during hula performances, mawashis are adorned by sumo wrestlers, and mankinis are just da kine. In any case, you should not be caught in public wearing any of these.

sukebe – perverted, lewd. If you’re feeling adventurously sukebe in Hawaii, just remember this is a small world and you just might not live down your lolo actions.

Only in Hawaii

brah – Hawaii’s variation of bro/brother and the informal, local-style way of calling someone. A typical Hawaii welcome, “Howzit, brah!” But tourists should not say brah since it just doesn’t sound right. “Brah” is not the women’s undergarment that Victoria’s Secret will soon be supporting the sun-kissed bossoms of the wahine of Hawaii (sorry, did that sound sukebe?).

B-52 cockroach – those huge flying roaches Hawaii is famous for, remiscent of the B-52 bomber aircraft.

fut – fart, pass gas, flatulate. Everyone gotta do it, even Julianne Hough from Dancing with the Stars futs… on live television.

Without futs, how would you do the Dutch Oven?

ainokea – say it slowly, and you’ll recognize “I no care” as in “I don’t care.” This slang phrase has since become a popular brand name seen on shirts and logos around Hawaii.

talk story – to chat, chew the fat, shoot the breeze, converse (special request by KT Cat)

pau – done, finished like this list.

Hope you enjoyed parts 1 and 2 of 21 24 slang words you should know before visiting Hawaii. If not, then ainokea!