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  1. tom
    November 6, 2009 @ 7:34 am

    You’re reporting these gifts on your ethics forms, right? 🙂

  2. Gee Why
    November 6, 2009 @ 8:23 am

    Ethics? Sure… and I am fully disclosing these as a blogger.

  3. Shawna
    November 6, 2009 @ 8:26 am

    At least they got the Haagen Dazs right… dark chocolate with chocolate ice cream. Yum.

    • Gee Why
      November 6, 2009 @ 8:31 am

      No, *I* got that one right! 😉 Had several flavors. First the “server” told me dark chocolate but gave me a vanilla one. I went back and returned it for the dark chocolate bar.

      Coulda had seconds… and thirds since had a few stations scattered around.