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  1. cube
    May 25, 2006 @ 3:53 am

    The whole season was great fun. What a bunch of characters. I’m already looking forward to the next one.

  2. Gee Why
    May 25, 2006 @ 8:07 am

    Yep, getting the right mix of personalities is key. Snooty Stephen, even mannered Harold and Lee Anne, ambitious Tiffani, spazzy Dave, and the fun Funk Le Chunk!

  3. Wayne's World
    May 29, 2006 @ 10:33 am

    I thought Harold was the clear cut winner also. Tiffani made it close though. I like her fire but it’s just a little too overpowering. She’s just too into herself. It’s like my life has this duality theme so that’s what my theme will be. Who frickin cares?! And she kept on yapping and it absolutely zero personality. It was almost like here’s the food, eat it and like it. I can’t believe she’s surprised at how the other people feel about her. She knows she’s a bitch and she says she doesn’t care because she’s not there to make friends and yet she still lets it hurt her feelings. When she took credit for the dessert, that was just like her. No surprise there. Great show though.

  4. Wayne's World
    May 29, 2006 @ 10:33 am

    I thought Harold was the clear cut winner also. Tiffani made it close though. I like her fire but it’s just a little too overpowering. She’s just too into herself. It’s like my life has this duality theme so that’s what my theme will be. Who frickin cares?! And she kept on yapping and it absolutely zero personality. It was almost like here’s the food, eat it and like it. I can’t believe she’s surprised at how the other people feel about her. She knows she’s a bitch and she says she doesn’t care because she’s not there to make friends and yet she still lets it hurt her feelings. When she took credit for the dessert, that was just like her. No surprise there. Great show though.

  5. Gee Why
    May 30, 2006 @ 12:33 pm

    In the time off until the finale, it seemed like Tiffani tried to get a grip with her personality and make some changes. She worked as a waitress to see how customer service affected dining and at the very end of the show, her interview seemed sincere (but too late).

    If you read the judges blogs, esp Tom C.’s then you can get insight about the change they saw in Tiffani as well.

    Still glad Harold won cause he seems like a cool guy to work with.