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  1. Ryan
    December 8, 2006 @ 2:02 pm

    I know this sounds creepy, but what if the performers had blogs – then used that new found audience to leverage selling photos, calendars, etc. (Just a thought). 🙂 Of course, you’d get that online-stalking action going, but I can imagine that comes with the territory.

    But agreed, that club could use a blog on their website; something aside from that current page. Damn, I should’ve included it on the list of sad Hawai`i sites. 🙂

  2. Gee Why
    December 11, 2006 @ 10:16 am

    Ryan, interesting ideas but don’t know if they’ll work. Selling stuff opens up a whole new area which I don’t think 939 is ready for?? And as for performers having blogs, I think you got the wrong audience to write a blog if you know what I mean.

    For a 939 blog, I like the look of the unsleepable theme.