Hansgrohe at Costco!
Now this was definitely a surprise. On a whim, I made a quick visit to the Iwilei Costco and what did I see? In plentiful stock is the Hansgrohe Allegro E Gourmet kitchen faucet!
That’s $249.99 for a faucet that typically runs over $300. No wait, no shipping costs, just pay at the register, and walk out with a Hansgrohe.
This Allegro E Gourmet (part #04275805) is in the steel optic finish and comes with a lifetime warranty. This may be a Costco “special” version however. Just keep in mind that if physically similar to other Allegro E kitchen faucets, this is a large faucet. It’s 16 1/2″ high, has a 11 3/8″ projection, and the spout height is 10″. But at the cost, you can’t really complain. 🙂
From Allegro to Solna - Pulpconnection
July 21, 2011 @ 5:02 pm
[…] Life,Passion TweetSo I had the Hansgrohe Allegro E Gourmet kitchen faucet in hand but was scared off by it size and potential water splashing. Then someone recommended the […]
Summer Promotion at Ferguson - Pulpconnection
July 21, 2011 @ 5:06 pm
[…] seeing these local prices, I went from Allegro E Gourmet to Brizo Solna to the Talis […]
Goodies at Costco - Pulpconnection
September 30, 2011 @ 3:47 pm
[…] these goodies at Costco recently.Hansgrohe Talis E Faucet Hansgrohe Talis EThe kitchen Allegro E faucet is still available, and now you can have the Talis E in the bathroom.Street Tacos Street […]
April 28, 2012 @ 2:15 pm
Just bought mine at Costco Hawaii Kai on sale yesterday 04/30/12.  It was $50.00 off, bring the price down to $200.00.  Keep in mind that this is a large faucet with a high arc. Luckily it was just right for my double stainless steel sinks.ÂÂ
April 28, 2012 @ 5:32 pm
Wow, at a better discount! Went with the “smaller” Talis S model myself.