The Behemoth from LG Is Now at Sears
LG’s 31-cu ft behemoth of a refrigerator is no longer a Home Depot exclusive. It’s available at Sears under the Kenmore Elite line (model 72053), and this week’s Best Buy ad shows the LG version on sale (model LFX31925ST).
While most of these models are the same, there are subtle differences, like the fruit and vegetable drawers. The LG version at Home Depot has three smaller drawers while the Kenmore features two larger drawers.

Update: Thanks to reader Fauguy who pointed out that the freezer drawers and water dispensers are also different.

The other major difference is cost.
Home Depot has the LFX3192ST for $2348 and in store, Sears has their 72053 (Sears Item# 04672053000) for about $2500 unless… while taking your vehicle in to Sears for battery maintenance, you wander to the appliance section and see this pricing.
Odd, you think to yourself. At other local Sears locations, you swear the price is higher. Then doing an Internet search, you realize that that price is the online price which shouldn’t apply to Hawaii. So… you jump at the opportunity of this printed price and go for it. And sure enough when the register shows a higher price at checkout, the sales guy honors the printed price (then takes the price tag down). And don’t forget to use your Sears card for an additional 5% off. 🙂
July 10, 2011 @ 4:59 am
It also looks like the ice/water dispenser on the front is different, and so are the freezer drawers.
July 10, 2011 @ 8:01 am
I didn’t really notice drastic differences. I might have taken pictures but
didn’t see the differences. I’ll look through my pics.
July 12, 2011 @ 5:10 am
Here’s the dispenser on the LG:
and the one on the Kenmore:,0&resMode=sharp&op_usm=0.9,0.5,0,0
July 13, 2011 @ 11:22 pm
Thanks again! I actually found pics that I took of the water/ice dispensers and updated my post with your info.
July 17, 2011 @ 5:56 am
I have only seen the LG unit in person a month ago. Since you have seen both, which version do you prefer? The one difference I can tell between the water dispensers is that on the LG, you have to press the top peddle and hold the cup with your hand, but on the Kenmore there is an ice/water button you have to press first and then use the single paddle below it so the cup can rest on the lower dip-pan. Just based on that, the water/ice dispenser on the Kenmore may be the more user-friendly version.
July 17, 2011 @ 6:06 am
Here’s pic of the Kenmore from the on-line video from the Kenmore web site:
July 17, 2011 @ 7:14 am
Good point.  For us, the water dispenser wasn’t a big deal.  It was the fruit and vegetable drawer configuration.  We like the bigger, 2-drawer Kenmore over the 3-drawer LG.
September 26, 2011 @ 5:21 pm
That’s because it’s made by Whirlpool and not LG, someone got this story wrong.
The computer on the dispenser is very similar to the Whirlpool Gold computer and dispenser. Much of the styling is the same as on KitchenAid models also made by whirlpool.  ÂÂ
September 29, 2011 @ 8:41 am
Now that I have my Sears version of this fridge, I must say that I do like it’s water dispenser, especially the lighting.  There are two light modes and I like the auto setting.  There’s a blue LED glow when the dispenser is not in use and when in use, a white light illuminates the area for your cup.  Looks great.
July 24, 2011 @ 6:32 am
Want an additional 10% off? If you’re going to order from and you have a Discover card, be sure to log in to your account at, click on ShopDiscover, and then use the link they have to access That way, you get an additional 10% cash back on the purchase!
July 25, 2011 @ 5:50 pm
Thanks but I’m not a Discover card holder.  I did use a Sears card and saved 5% on Kenmore appliances.  Not as good but better than nothing.ÂÂ
The Behemoth Caged - Pulpconnection
August 10, 2011 @ 11:02 am
[…] Life,Passion TweetLookee, lookee, the behemoth of a refrigerator aka the LG LFX31925ST/Sears Kenmore Elite Model 72053 has been […]