Remember Your Roots

Seems like a recent theme afflicting businesses is getting too big and forgoing their heritage. The answer obviously is to remember your roots and embrace your history. Such as it is with Starbucks.

Starbucks recent big secret of its Pikes Place roast continues to draw attention. The coffee itself is getting good reviews for being “un-Starbucks-like.” And even the use of a modified retro Starbucks logo has struck a chord. Both changes came about since consumers felt the coffee chain had become too commercialized and lost its way.

However, Starbucks is not the only business that’s gotten too big for itself. Soon-to-be-in-Hawaii Victoria’s Secret is pondering the same problem, having become too sexy. What is their equivalent Pikes Place solution? Get back to their heritage of “ultra feminine.”

What’s ultra feminine? I don’t know, but I’m guessing it’s not this.

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