Exercise Urban Unrest a Success!

Wow, what an absolutely astounding success Exercise Urban Unrest was! This no-notice exercise kicked off yesterday afternoon with a traffic incident causing the shutdown of one of Oahu’s main traffic corridors. The exercise tested the capabilities and response of Emergency Support Functions 1 (Transportation) and 3 (Public Works and Engineering) simulating major evacuations of island residents during times of natural disasters or potential on-island terrorist incidents.

ESF1 and ESF3 did as superb jobs as possible, rerouting traffic and demolishing the damaged pedestrian walkway overnight. Scott Ishikawa, Department of Transportation spokesman, and Jason Yotsuda of the Honolulu Traffic Management Center should be commended for giving the stranded motorists constant information and updates of the situation.

Businesses and dining facilities in the downtown area also saw a huge economic windfall as many decided to wait for the H1 freeway to reopen before going on the road. This business increase will be noted and captured in after action reports.

Exercise Urban Unrest was initiated by an Army vehicle transporting heavy equipment to Schofield Barracks hitting a pedestrian walkway spanning the H1 Freeway. The damage made the walkway unsafe for crossing pedestrians and freeway drivers as debris continually dropped to the roadways below.

Okay, okay, Exercise Urban Unrest is totally fake cause the Army can’t make a mistake like that, can they?