Gelato Is Mightier than Tea (and Coffee)

Who knew the power of the gelato? Here I thought this unconfirmed construction on the upper floor, center stage area of Ala Moana might be a new Starbucks stand. Once the site of the seemingly popular Planation Place Tea Garden, neither tea nor coffee could hold this high ground, yielding to Aloha Gelato.

Nope, no secondary Starbucks….Aloha Gelato on Twitpic

@geewhy sure. Go for it. Had I know it was going to be blogge... on Twitpic(Darn you Twitpic for making your embedded images so tiny!)

Truthfully, looking at their menu, Aloha Gelato does serve tea and coffee and gelato of course, so all of these guesses are correct in a way.

Thanks to the watchful eye of @yoda808 for the heads up.