Waimanalo Christmas Parade 2012
Waimanalo has its own unique community no more evident than in its annual Christmas Parade. It was my first time attending this parade (I didn’t know it existed before this), and I got to see a good, old parade reminiscent of small kid time.
Luckily, our family was guests on the float sponsored by Waimanalo Feed Supply. This float may have been the pinnacle of the parade featuring a decked out flatbed truck with a Christmas tree, enthusiastic riders, and three sheep enjoying the festivities.
The parade had an early 9am start time kicked off by Grand Marshall Eric Bunyan. Then came a caravan of some most interesting vehicles. There were bikers from the Yokozuna Riders.

Windward politicians, Ikaika Anderson, Chris Lee, and Laura Thielen walked the route and passed out candy.

Then came muscle cars, vintage cars, and even a homemade barstool “car.”

Yes, Miss Hawaii Filipina was there.

These golf carts are outrageous!

But not to be outdone, there was a speed boat.

In the heat and humidity, the seniors had it right, riding a covered trolley.

Nothing says Christmas like a dune buggy and an off-roading truck.

Here’s the full length view of the Waimanalo Feed Supply float with sheep in tow.

The Royal Hawaiian Movers were out in full force, each truck blaring its horns.
Did I mention the candy? Remember back in the day when paraders would let fly the candy? Now, it’s all handing it gently to the bystanders… except in `Nalo. This community harkens back and still lets the candy sail through the air. And lots of it. Lots. Each vehicle unleashed an arsenal of sweets. Just check out the stash in this truck’s cabin.
Security from Bellows was there, not for safety or security, but yes, you guessed it, to fling candy at the audience.
I have no idea about this.
Then the closing highlight of the parade was Santa’s arrival… by boat.
While Santa and his Elves unloaded candy, treats from the North Pole also took the form of frozen Otter Pops.
Here are even more pictures from this eclectic community Christmas parade.
And don’t worry about the sheep. They were fine, eating the whole ride. They did want to wish you a very Merry Christmas.