Would You Play Cowboy Poker?
I’d never heard of Cowboy Poker before, but now I’ve seen it “played” at the Surf & Turf Bull Riding and Concert. Held last week at the New Town & Country Stables in Waimanalo, this event also featured bull riding which I’ve never witnessed before either. All I can say is crazy.
Out of the gate, cowboys were flying off the bucking bulls after a few seconds. Staying mounted for three to five seconds was a good ride. Just ask former UH QB, Colt Brennan, who rode his first bull for charity purposes.
This bull just looked nasty and mean.
So about cowboy poker. Four dudes sitting around a table supposedly playing poker…except that there’s a bull loose in the ring with them. And when the bull charges you best be watching him and not your cards.
Last cowboy to remain seated wins.
The cowboy in the red shirt wins this round!
A few more pictures from this experience.
September 14, 2013 @ 3:09 pm
How far has Colt Brennan fallen? Hopefully Colt rides bulls better than he played pro football! His pro career was an embarrassing flop of dumpster fire proportions.
September 14, 2013 @ 5:42 pm
But it was for charity so there was a cause 🙂