The Nespresso U Is Still Good
Say it with me, “Your Nespresso U is still good. Your Nespresso U is still good.” Don’t mind that Nespresso just launched their new VertuoLine that makes both espresso and coffee. Your recent purchase of the espresso-only Nespresso U is still a good buy at half the price of a new Vertuo.

So what if the Vertuo-made coffee features a crema top? And so what if the new hardware has a single button operation using lasers to detect what kind of drink to make? The Nespresso U is still good. I mean it has a positionable water reservoir, right?
You did capitalize on discounts and bonuses for your U purchase, right? You got those 200 Grand Cru capsules at a discounted price right? Because, the Vertuo uses a whole different capsule format and flavor lineup.

If you wanted coffee, you still have your coffee maker right? And really, the Aeroccino frother is still the same as what you got with your U bundle. So don’t head to Williams-Sonoma in Ala Moana to hear the demo and sample a full cup of crema-capped coffee. The Nespresso U is still good.
Do you really need the latest and greatest of caffeinated creations?
Well if you don’t share the sentiment that the Nespresso U is still good, let me tempt you…