ResExp: Expectations

Really, when it comes down to it, it’s about setting and managing realistic expectations. That’s another key distinguishing point between #coppingkicks and #rossfinds. For whatever reason those indulging in #coppingkicks are expecting to get every sneaker they go after. They’ll always expect the “W” and not just for a single pair but multiple pairs of hyped sneakers. And, that’s not realistic. There are just too many others out there in the same situation, armed with the same tools and knowledge, going after the same pairs of shoes.

Doing the #rossfinds however, there are usually little to no expectations. Sure, you hope to find something good, but you know that for every store you enter, you expect to leave emptyhanded. I guess that’s why finding a gem is that much sweeter.

I can’t quite tell which is worse though – tracking the success stories of those #coppingkicks or doing the #rossfinds. I guess monitoring either one sets unrealistically high expectations for yourself. Sure, it can be fun to indulge and imagine similar success, but in both cases, set realistic expectations.