Hawaii Five-O is Fun!

So what’d you think of the remade, rebooted, remixed Hawaii Five-O? Is it still a classic? Only time will tell, but the premiere episode definitely was fun!

Some thoughts and wonderings.

Hawaii is well armed and seedy

I never knew how serious and epidemic the criminal element was in Hawaii. Even Governor Lingle stand-in was fed up and wanted the criminal SOBs off her island. I mean where ever you went the public was armed and ready for a shootout. And what timing for Aloun farms and the forced labor workforce to coincide with the H5O subplot of human exporting. Who watching thought about the pumpkin patch when the cargo load of imported Asians was discovered?

The Scenes of Hawaii

I thought Five-O did an excellent job portraying the visual beauty of the islands. Every lead-in was a scenic sight to see. Even tents on beach got airtime. But I wonder why locations like Kukui High School had to be made up? Why not use real location names?

You speak bird?

Say what? Okay, so I’m a fake Hawaiian akin to imitation crab, but I’ve never heard “bird” in pidgin. I need to update my Hawaiian slang list with all the gems spoken by the Five-O cast.

So yeah, even with its imperfections, Hawaii Five-O is still fun, and I’ll be sticking around for more episodes.

If you missed the premiere episode, you can now view it online at CBS, and here’s the trailer along with the iconic theme song.

More from Five-O on their Hawaii Five-O blog.