A 50-Degree Swing in Weather

That’s what you get when you leave balmy Hawaii and its typical 80-degree weather. From warm and muggy, we went to the scorching, dry heat of the Armpit of Cali. At least 100 degrees every day with a high of 106 on our arrival. Then a short international flight to the north by way of Vancouver, Canada. 61 degrees at the YVR airport felt so refreshing. The locals were wearing shorts.

Our first port on the Disney Wonder was classic Skagway, Alaska. Population of 800 with temperatures in the 50’s on a sunny day. Is this hot or cold coffee kind of weather? I went with a hot Americano.

VH07V and Starbucks in Skagway, Alaska
VH07V and Starbucks in Skagway, Alaska

Our second port was the landlocked Juneau. Even in the proximity of a frozen glacier, we experienced our warmest Alaskan temperature of 61 degrees.

Our last stop was at the rainiest city in America, Ketchikan. Amazingly, 57 degrees, and no rain while we were there. There was some drizzling but no umbrella needed. From 55 to 106 degrees, yeah, that’s a 51-degree swing, and it’s tough to pack for both hot and cold climates.