What Does It Mean @ryankanno?

There is something there, but what is it? It can’t be pure coincidence. Something kismet is at work trying to tell me something. What is it that Ryan Kanno is trying to tell me?

All his messages came in a burst of a week. A tofu katsu. Then seeing Mr. Kanno’s coworkers and running into acquaintance, @parkrat. Next day, another inference with @worldwideed and his VH07V gear. The day after I was wearing gear from Threadless which by the way, Ryan introduced me to.  So it didn’t faze me when the week ended walking around Kanno’s alma mater.

All this while I was attending a Microsoft SharePoint developers class. Hmmm… then this tweet.

[blackbirdpie url=”https://twitter.com/ryankanno/status/193538222616363008″]
And then it was clear. I had no idea what his tweet meant. Zip. Nada, and I didn’t care about developer tools. There was the message – I’m no developer. It’s not my passion. Visual Studio, Git, MonoDevelop, my eyes glaze over. If you want to talk athletes and their shoes then I come alive, and that’s all Ryan Kanno was trying to tell me. Stick with your passions, let them guide you, and don’t be something you’re not.

Thanks, Mr. Kanno. You do work in mysterious ways. 😉