An Unorthodox Hot Wheels Classic
When I first saw this collaboration between Mattel Creations Hot Wheels and MSCHF, I knew I needed one. This “Not Wheels” is such an atypical classic car… that does not roll.

When I first saw this collaboration between Mattel Creations Hot Wheels and MSCHF, I knew I needed one. This “Not Wheels” is such an atypical classic car… that does not roll.
I was wondering why the site was so slow this morning.
Hopefully, I can get one or two of these Chargers next week!
In case you get the Hot Wheels Total Control Racing Stunt Park set, it comes with only one vehicle, and you’ll definitely need another to keep the peace with the kids. Finding the Racing Stunt Park on-island is doable, but finding extra cars is difficult. Target is out of stock, I don’t see any on the Walmart web site, and Toys R Us looks to have one car model available.
Amazon has a variety of Total Control Racers available to purchase to make this set more fun.