NYDC16 Observations
So what other nuances did I observe on the East Coast in DC and NYC?
Five Guys Burgers and Fries
Well, I already mentioned that Five Guys Burgers and Fries is nothing new. Unlike Hawaii where lines were constantly long, there were no lines at many of the Five Guys we passed.
Jordan Retros and Nike Foamposites
While Nike Roshes were very popular in DC, what surprised me in New York was the number of retro Jordans and Foamposites that I saw. Retro Jordans were everywhere. Even cleaning crews at Grand Central rocked the Jordans. The Jordan 8, the Jordan 6, and the Jordan 4 were pretty popular.
Unique Apple Stores
I only saw one Apple Store in DC, the one in Georgetown. On the outside and immediate interior, this location was similar to other Apple Stores. But in the back, there’s this spartan, sunlit area that’s distinctive compared to the rest of the store.
However, in New York, Apple Stores seem to have their own unique identity. I mentioned the Grand Central location that is part of the station.

While riding the bus, I got to see the glass cube at Fifth Avenue and then later, the glass corner of the Upper West Side. On the way to the MET, we passed the classic architecture of the Upper East Side. Each has its own wow factor.
Apple Pay Is Expanding
Seemingly there’s a push for businesses to adopt Apple Pay. Many vendors had signs promoting the use of Apple Pay. Levain Bakery is one of those…that I used twice.
White Earbuds
Back in the day when Apple introduced the game-changing iPod with white earbuds, who knew that the color white would be so distinguishable. Years later, white earbuds are still popular as seen on a sampling of subway riders.
Squirrels Are Aggressive
Some squirrels have gotten too accustomed to people and are even aggressive when looking for food. I thought this guy was going to launch himself at us and our food.
Police Are Everywhere
In both DC and NYC, the police are everywhere and everywhere else. There’s a sprinkling of military personnel also. The amount of security in Grand Central was kinda surreal with armed police or guards at entrances and patrolling the area.
With all that people and all there is to do at all hours in the city that never sleeps, I tip my hat to the NYPD.
Vineyard Vines
So apparently Vineyard Vines is a thing on the East Coast. Their clothes are just too bright and preppy for me, but this trucker hat on clearance beckoned to me. I doubt this brand could make it in Hawaii.